Where it began:  


Since its foundation, Srnec Theatre - the 1st Black Light Theatre in the world – has belonged among the best known representatives of the Czech dramatic art in the world. The ensemble was established in 1961 ... The principle of the black light theatre, invented by the founder and artistic director Jiří Srnec, is based on … a simple trick, the so-called „black cabinet“, in which the actors dressed in black using props cannot be seen against the black background from the spectators‘ perspective. The props and all the other objects become able to move and they seem to live unique lives of their own… The very first performance of the ensemble took place in 1959 in Vienna.

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FIGHTING GRAVITY:  Amazing stage performance , amazing illusion dance

Image Theatre integrates modern dance and non-verbal acting with black light theatre effects. The audience also often becomes an integral part of the performance. Magic poetics, playfulness, and humor are the most important trademarks of this ensemble.

UDI Blacklight Dance Group AWESOME ACT IN DARKNESS. This is the Full segment of performance for this contestant during the America's Got Talent 2018 Auditions or AGT Season 13 Episode 4 .

UDI is a dance group whose name is an abbreviation of the first letters of the names of the group’s three founders. The group members live, study and work in the city of Tomsk, Siberia. UDI has existed for 20 years. During this time, they have created their own dance school with approximately 650 children attending it. They teach disabled children and children from orphanages as well.